Heal Your Story with Heidi Dellaire

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The Workshop Has Ended But You Will Be Sent the Replay!

Mark Your Calendar!

October 11th 11 AM EST- 12 PM EST

Put this in your phone calendar now.

Check your email for a link to our workshop.

It may end up in your Promotions or Spam Folder (if it ends up in Spam, please mark it as “Not Spam” or Whitelist it to continue getting updates).

We’ll be meeting on Zoom on October 11th. 

You will be notified by email before the event, so please make sure we are a contact in your inbox. hello@heididellaire.com

Heidi Dellaire
Heal Your Story with Heidi Dellaire
Love Wide Open - Heidi Dellaire

Have questions? Email us at hello@heididellaire.com

Please Note:

Heidi’s trainings and coaching are not psychotherapeutic in nature and are not a substitute for an ongoing relationship with a psychotherapist or mental health counselor. Of course, Heidi will hold the space for the emotional material that comes up in the heart of a session. The support and services Heidi offers come from her own unique life experiences, beliefs, spiritual understandings, intuition, schooling, certifications and learning. Her work is not intended to replace your common sense or that of other professionals and should not be used as a substitute for it. If you are in crisis, are having thoughts of self-harm, or are struggling with a serious mental illness, these services are not for you.