Heidi Dellaire

Heart Space Coaching

Heal Your Story. Heal Your Heart. Transform Your Relationships.

Work With Me

Improve the quality of your life and gain more confidence, more choices, and more personal power in the process. It IS possible...and I can show you how!

"...I needed to feel better about myself. I was “stuck” in my head and my heart. Because of Heidi, I’m not anymore! My heart isn’t heavy anymore which in turn has transcended into a healthy mindset..."
Read Tim's full testimonial

Have you ever asked yourself…

“Do I truly feel empowered, relaxed, and fulfilled in life?”

If you aren’t nodding your head with a resounding YES, and if you are tired of feeling undervalued and constantly stressed out, then NOW is the time to do something about it.

Are you tired of feeling anxious, overwhelmed and ruled by your emotions? Are you constantly putting everyone else first and never saying “YES” to yourself?  Maybe you have a long track record of attracting toxic people into your life. Or do you struggle with jealousy, shame, judgment, guilt or anxiety? Let’s not forget about explosive anger that scares people away, feelings of abandonment or the inability to trust or forgive. Seriously…the list could go on and on.

Here’s the thing, you can heal. You just need the right guide and tools. 

Heal Your Story. Heal Your Heart. Transform Your Life.

Heidi Dellaire Here’s where I come in. I help people who have unhealed emotional trauma trapped in their nervous system build better boundaries, trust their inner guidance and transform their patterns of self-worth to a place of powerful confidence in themselves and in relationship to others.

I often work with those who are struggling in their relations with others due to codependency, anxiety and emotional overwhelm.  So many have found themselves in toxic relationship after toxic relationship or in isolation due to their trauma responses. A lot of it has to do with programming from childhood. I help people connect to their wounded inner child to grow the self-love they deprived themselves of. 

Real growth and transformation happen when you get really truthful with yourself and muck around in the darkness, pain, and anxiety until you literally have had enough and want to make a change.

I help you create a source of energy, strength, and renewal that ultimately infuses into all areas of your life and creates confidence in yourself and your relationships.

Are you even aware of how the story you choose to tell about your life and others influences all aspects of your life? You can’t get to positivity and happiness until you Heal Your Story. And when you Heal Your Story, you Heal Your Heart and you can thrive in the present with ease and imagine the future that you truly desire. The past no longer matters.

If you are motivated and ready to feel empowered and strong within, then I would love to work with you.

"Connecting with you and taking your 6-week class was a wise investment in myself. I think spending money on oneself is the greatest gift on can give themself. It is a gift to friends and family. What is more important than personal evolution from an emotional and spiritual perspective? You are one of the great gifts that I have received, Heidi."

1:1 Heart Space Coaching & Self-Study Courses

Watch the video to learn why you are struggling with anxiety, overwhelm and emotional pain and how you can heal it all for good.

Heal Your Story

Heal Your Story
Breakthrough Intensive

Transform your patterns of self-worth, anxiety and emotional triggers into calm and blooming self-confidence.

I’m glad you are here and feel compelled to explore this work. This heart-centered work together holds so much transformation and I am thrilled to help you break through your blocks.

So wherever you are on your healing journey, I’m here to meet you right there and hold heart space for you.

There is a high demand for the Heal Your Story Breakthrough Intensive ($47). I only offer a few of these a month.

The Heal Your Story Strategy Session: Breakthrough Intensive is highly sought after and spaces are limited (this is a one-time only session for those who have never had 1:1 coaching with me).

This initial breakthrough intensive will provide you with the knowledge & practices to transform your life. 

I’d love to start this deeply transformational work with you now.

Get started with a Heal Your Story Strategy Session: Breakthrough Intensive at $47 (Discounted). Book the Breakthrough Intensive Now.

Heart Space
Lessons Academy

Self-Study & Hybrid 1:1 Coaching Programs

Transform your patterns of self-worth, anxiety and emotional triggers into calm and blooming self-confidence.

Want to learn and grow at your own pace?

Then one of the courses in the Heart Space Lessons Academy might be right for you. 

As a health practitioner, there is one thing I stand firmly behind…you can’t heal until you get real with yourself and get in touch with your heart and your body. 

How does one do that? 

I have created courses that are desigend to reduce anxiety, heal emotional pain and create more joy in one’s life. 

Emotional Regulation Mastery Program – A 12-week healing program on reducing anxiety and healing emotional triggers through self-regulation of the nervous system with heart-based somatic healing. 

Creating Peace Within – An 8-Week Course to help reduce anxiety, stress and fear while buidling self-confidence through Mindfulness. 

Attract Positivity Through Gratitude & Appreciation – A 14- Day Challenge to create more positivity and joy in your life.

“Manifest Me” Masterclass – 1 Hour Masterclass on manifesting your desires and clearing your blocks. 

 You can schedule a HYS Program Info call to talk about longer and more in-depth programs if you have already taken a course with me, been a 1:1 Client or experienced the Breakthrough Intensive. 

There is a high demand for Heart Space/Heal Your Story 1:1 Coaching Programs (pricing varies). Each prgram is designed for your unique needs.

The Heal Your Story Method programs come in multi-week / month options tailored to your needs and may include the following and a whole lot more:

  • Weekly or Bi-Weekly 1:1 sessions via Zoom (Depending on Custom Coaching Package)
  • Ongoing email & messenging support in between sessions

These 1:1 sessions, foster a close relationship between us.  I’d love to start this deeply transformational work with you now.

Have you taken a self-study course with me, had a Breakthrough Intensive Call, or experienced any of my trainings? Book a HYS Program Info Call

Heart Space

Heal Your Story Method Programs

Transform your patterns of self-worth, anxiety and emotional triggers into calm and blooming self-confidence.

"With Heidi's guidance and understanding of my sensitivity, I went from chaos to calm, confident and patient in just 8 weeks."

1:1 Heart Space Sessions

What to Expect

Heart Space Sessions are a place where you can talk with me about where you are and what you’re feeling, thinking, ruminating on, and I will do what I do best—listen to your worries in a receptive, warm, and non-judgmental way, and in so doing, hopefully, pave the way to help you see beyond them.

Heart Space Sessions can take many forms, depending on where you are currently at and what you are struggling with. Sometimes we will focus our time together on the obstacles standing in the way of your ability to identify and/or to actualize what you need to change in order to move forward. These obstacles can take many forms:

  • unresolved emotions,
  • misguided self-beliefs,
  • patterns of self-distraction and self-sabotage,
  • personal issues that keep returning (poor boundaries, people-pleasing), etc.

They can also include a number of external influences:

  • an over-stimulating culture,
  • economic challenges,
  • childhood trauma,
  • others’ opinions of you or your beliefs,
  • the weight of the world, spiritual pressure to believe a certain way.

There can be a lot in the way of your authentic self and your path to greater self-love and self-worth. In these sessions, we focus our energies on techniques and experiences that can help you find a clearer path to self-confidence in yourself and in all relationships. While I can’t do the work for you, I can guide you to a more confident and self-compassionate you. I will push you to act and to be active in your transformation. I will be using my skills, knowledge and understanding to guide you back to your own true presence of life and your own authentic, sacred heart space. I will hold the heart space necessary to start your journey to Heal Your Story.


“Inhale the future, exhale the past.

I’m 62 years old. I had trauma in my childhood since about the age of 7. That’s 55 years ago! This trauma was Very Unpleasant, and caused much pain in my heart and mind for all these years! I realized at times I would give off a negative vibe because of that past trauma, so I decided to do something about it.

I signed up for Heart Space Sessions with Heidi to get to the core of the negativity in my life.

These sessions transformed me! I didn’t know it then, but realize it now, it was the beginning of a wonderful journey that I’ll be on for the rest of my life!

Heidi took time to listen to me and my story. Heidi’s words of wisdom helped me see the goodness in myself.

Her words of encouragement gave me confidence to see the light and take action to become a better person...leaving the past behind...where it belongs!

I needed to feel better about myself. I was “stuck” in my head and my heart. Because of Heidi, I’m not anymore! My heart isn’t heavy anymore which in turn has transcended into a healthy mindset.


Because I embraced the homework she set forth, I know I’m going to have a GREAT rest of my life!

There are Angels among us. We just have to open our eyes, heart, and mind to see and realize them. Heidi is one of those Angels!"

Tim R.
Tim Rodrigue
“When I was caught spinning in a situation, she understood what was happening and was able to bring me back to a place of calm and reason. It was her words and support that gave me the strength to move through the situation and look back at it as a powerful lesson. Every day, I hear and think of Heidi's words and guidance. She is more than a coach, she cares and connects with you. She is the person you want by your side to help make sense of things, to have guidance from, to share with. I am so grateful for Heidi, who she is and what she does. Thank you!"
Lynn C.
"Heidi Dellaire is one of those rare and glorious souls who beams with truth and inspiration. I sense the beauty, compassion and love within her. Her soul shines brightly with sincerity in all she does. Heidi helps others to understand the beauty of their existence and how to best find peace and joy in everyday living. Her beautiful energy permeates through every project that she is involved in and she is exceptionally dedicated to making the world a better place for all of us. Thank you Heidi."
Catherine Roy
Catherine Roy
Author of Live From Your Heart and Mind, Instructor at LHM Academia
“Heidi Dellaire is one of those souls who when they appear in your life, you wonder how you ever did without them. She says she is a Love-Slinger, but she is more than that. She is a is a true connector to the love we already have in our own heart, and she gently encourages us all to form that love into the life that we live, and the relationships we live within. As a coach, guide and healer she is a magical one off, and a living expression of what Love Wide Open truly means."
Catt Knott
Cat Knott
Life Coach and Channeller

Please Note: Due to the nature of live and on-demand coaching sessions, there are no refunds available for the Heart Space Sessions coaching sessions above once the sessions have been completed by the client and coach. 

**Heart Space Sessions are not psychotherapeutic in nature and are not a substitute for an ongoing relationship with a psychotherapist or mental health counselor. Of course, Heidi will hold the space for the emotional material that comes up in the heart of a session. The support and services Heidi offers come from her own unique life experiences, beliefs, spiritual understandings, intuition, schooling and learning. Her work is not intended to replace your common sense or that of other professionals and should not be used as a substitute for it. If you are in crisis, are having thoughts of self-harm, or are struggling with a serious mental illness, these services are not for you. Click here for resources and support

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Weekly Emails to Inspire, Love, & Heal!!!

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